→ Wapka Basic Functions
1. New Page→
This is the tool for create a new page,ie the same page
like your home page. If your
create this, it will be blank and
you can add/edit anything
there. And the first page url
will be like this http://domain.wapka.mobi/site_1.xhtml if you wanna link to it from anywhere just put the above code or you want to link from your own site, then
used this :site-1: for url of the LINK(explain below)..
2. New Link(Bookmark)→
This is the basic tool for creating a LINK weather it is
inside your site or external
site.. You can link to anywhere
in the internet world! You
need to specify the link name
and the URL to link.
3. Text→
With this function you can add any text to your page, but no
HTML tag can used here, though you still can used Wapka tags..
4. Picture→
This function will help you to fast displaying or add a picture
to your page, just go to it and read the instruction at the
bottom of the page, if you dont have any picture hen you
can upload it right from there..